Our Practice
Our high-quality level of holistic care and assistance will ensure you a safe, and most importantly, effective experience at the Pendle Hill Family Medical Practice. We provide Medicare Bulk Billing services, kindly welcome private patients and help you claim your private health insurance from major providers directly from our practice.
At our practice, we deliver expertise services by General Practitioners, Specialists, Allied Health, Nurses and onsite Pathology. This wide range of professionals provides a diversity of services to accommodate your health needs.
Appointments are not necessary, however, appointments take priority.
Practice News:
This general practice is ACCREDITED – what does this mean?
Our practice is accredited by AGPAL. Being accredited means that our general practice is committed to a comprehensive program which involves:
Engaging our whole practice team to review our practice’s systems and processes
Opening our practice doors to allow a team of independent surveyors to assess how our practice operates
Assessment of our practice, and achievement of the nationally recognised Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices, that focus on health care quality and patient safety.
As a member of the community you may be surprised to learn that general practice accreditation is a voluntary process – which means not all practices undergo an independent on-site assessment on a regular basis.
Appointments Made Easy - Online
Appointments can be made by online booking or by calling the practice. With your consent, a gentle SMS reminder will be sent to your nominated mobile for your convenience.
My Health Record
My Health Record is an electronic online summary of your key health information. For more information, visit the website.
Contraception (IUD) Services
Our clinic offers full range of contraception options and consultation services on methods such as contraceptive injections, contraceptive implants or rod, the copper intrauterine device (IUD) and hormonal intrauterine device (Mirena).